Xiong Lab
Recent Publications (selected)
H. Liu, A. Kumar, L. Yu, R.P. Barber, Jr., and P. Xiong, "Superconducting fluctuations and paraconductivity in ultrathin amorphous Pb films near superconductor-insulator transitions", Physical Review B 110, 174502(2024). link
T. Liu, Y. Adhikari, H. Wang, Y. Jiang, Z. Hua, H. Liu, P. Schlottmann, H. Gao, P. S. Weiss, B. Yan, J.H. Zhao, P. Xiong, "Chirality-Induced Magnet-Free Spin Generation in a Semiconductor", Advanced materials 36,2406327(2024). link
Y. Adhikari, T. Liu, H. Wang, Z. Hua, H. Liu, E. Lochner, P. Schlottmann, B. Yan, J. Zhao, and P. Xiong, "Interplay of structural chirality, electron spin and topological orbital in chiral molecular spin valves", Nature Communications 14, 5163 (2023). link
Z. Hua, A. Ben-Akacha, Q. He, T. Liu, G. Boyce, M. van Deventer, X. Lin, H. Gao, B. Ma, and P. Xiong, "Intrinsic Ion Migration Dynamics in a One-Dimensional Organic Metal Halide Hybrid", ACS Energy Letters 7, 11, 3753–3760 (2022). link
J. Hudis, J. Cochran, G. Franco-Rivera, C.S. Guzman, E. Lochner, P. Schlottmann, P. Xiong, and I. Chiorescu, "Quantum interference in asymmetric superconducting nanowire loops", A Letters Journal Exploring The Frontiers of Physics (Accepted Manuscript). link
J.-I. Kim, T. Liu, K. Kountouriotis, J. Lu, X.Z. Yu, Y. Adhikari, S. von Molnár, J.H. Zhao, and P. Xiong, "Direct comparison of three-terminal and four-terminal Hanle effects in the persistent photoconductor Al0.3Ga0.7As:Si", Physical Review Materials 6, 024603 (2022). link
T. Liu, X. Wang, H. Wang, G. Shi, F. Gao, H. Feng, H. Deng, L. Hu, E. Lochner, P. Schlottmann, S. von Molnár, Y. Li, J. Zhao, and P. Xiong, "Linear and Nonlinear Two-Terminal Spin-Valve Effect from Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity", ACS Nano 14, 15983 (2020). link
Z. Lin, Z. Li, H. Deng, T. Liu, G. Shi, N. Bonesteel, P. Schlottmann, Y. Li, and P. Xiong, "Giant enhancement of the in-plane critical field for thin Al films via proximity coupling to a topological insulator", Physical Review B 102, 144518 (2020). link
J. L. Barreda, L. Hu, L. Yu, J. Hudis, T. D. Keiper, J. Xia, Z. Wang, J. Guan, and P. Xiong, "Controlled Fabrication of DNA Molecular Templates for In Situ Formation and Measurement of Ultrathin Metal Nanostructures", Nano Letters 20, 8135 (2020). link
L. Yu, L. Hu, J. L. Barreda, T. Guan, X. He, K. Wu, Y. Li, and P. Xiong, "Robust Gapless Surface State against Surface Magnetic Impurities on (Bi0.5Sb0.5)2Te3 Evidenced by In Situ Magnetotransport Measurements", Physical Review Letters 124, 126601 (2020). link
L. Hu, L.Q. Yu, P. Xiong, X.L. Wang, J.H. Zhao, L.F. Wang, Z. Huang, and W.B. Wu, “Static and dynamic signatures of anisotropic electronic phase separation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films under anisotropic strain”, Physical Review B 97, 214428 (2018). pdf
K. Kountouriotis, J.L. Barreda, T.D. Keiper, M. Zhang, and P. Xiong, “Electrical Spin Injection and Detection in Silicon Nanowires with Axial Doping Gradient”, Nano Letters 18, 4386 (2018). pdf
T. Liu, T.D. Keiper, X.L. Wang, G. Yang, D. Hallinan, J.H. Zhao, and P. Xiong, “Molecular Patterning and Directed Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles on GaAs”, Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 43363 (2017). pdf
J.L. Barreda, T.D. Keiper, M. Zhang, and P. Xiong, “Multiple Schottky Barrier-Limited Field-Effect Transistors on a Single Silicon Nanowire with an Intrinsic Doping Gradient”, Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 12046 (2017). pdf
T.D. Keiper, J.L. Barreda, J.P. Zheng, and P. Xiong, “Modulation of electronic properties of tin oxide nanobelts via thermal control of surface oxygen defects”, Nanotechnology 28, 5 (2016). pdf
L.J. Zhu, S.H. Nie, P. Xiong, P. Schlottmann, and J. H. Zhao, “Orbital two-channel Kondo effect in epitaxial ferromagnetic L10-MnAl films”, Nature Communications 7:10817 (2016).
Z. Guo, D.K. Panda, K. Maity, J.L. Barreda-Esparza, P. Xiong, D. Lindsey, T.G. Parker, R.J. Clark, T. Albrecht-Schmitt, W. Zhou, and S. Saha, “Tuning Electrical Conductivity of Metal–Organic Framework Films through Intercalation of π-Acidic Guests”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4, 894 (2016).
X.L. Wang, H.L. Wang, D. Pan, T. Keiper, L.X. Li, X.Z. Yu, J. Lu, E. Lochner, S. von Molnár, P. Xiong, and J.H. Zhao, “Robust manipulation of magnetism in the dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As by organic molecules”, Advanced Materials 27, 8043 (2015).
T. Guan, C. Lin, C. Yang, Y. Shi, C. Ren, Y.Q. Li, H. Weng, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang, S. Yan, and P. Xiong, “Evidence for half-metallicity in n-type HgCr2Se4”, Physical Review Letters 115, 087002 (2015).
X. Zhang, H.D. Zhou, L. Yu, H.J. Gardner, S. von Molnár, C. Wiebe, and P. Xiong, “Electronic Transport in the Ferromagnetic Pyrochlore Lu2V2O7: the Role of Magnetization”, Physical Review B 91, 205107 (2015).
X. Zhang, S.A. McGill, P. Xiong, X.L. Wang, and J.H. Zhao, “Probing the thiol-gold planar interface by spin polarized tunneling”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 152403 (2014).
D. Pan, M. Fu, X.Z. Yu, X.L. Wang, L.J. Zhu, S.H. Nie, S.L. Wang, Q. Chen, P. Xiong, S. von Molnár, and J.H. Zhao, “Controlled Synthesis of Phase-Pure InAs Nanowires on Si (111) by Diminishing the Diameter to 10 nm”, Nano Letters 14, 1214-1220 (2014).
J. Misuraca, J.-I. Kim, J. Lu, K.K. Meng, L. Chen, X.Z. Yu, J.H. Zhao, P. Xiong, and S. von Molnár, “Bias current dependence of the spin lifetime in insulating Al0.3Ga0.7As”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 082405 (2014).
L. Yu, L. Wang, X. Zhang, W.B. Wu, S. von Molnár, Z. Fisk, and P. Xiong, “Signatures of electronic phase separation in the Hall effect of anisotropically strained La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 films”, New Journal of Physics 15, 113057 (2013).
J. Misuraca, J.-I. Kim, J. Lu, K.K. Meng, L. Chen, X.Z. Yu, J.H. Zhao, P. Xiong, and S. von Molnár, “Spin transport and accumulation in the persistent photoconductor Al0.3Ga0.7As”, Applied Physics Letters 102, 152408 (2013).
X.Z. Yu, H.L. Wang, D. Pan, J.H. Zhao, J. Misuraca, S. von Molnár, and P. Xiong, “All zinc-blende GaAs/(Ga,Mn)As core-shell nanowires with ferromagnetic ordering”, Nano Letters 13, 1572-1577 (2013).